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Our Kitchen
At Marina View Nursery we pride ourselves on providing the most nutritious, well balanced meals, in line with the NHS Setting the Table guidelines.
All our meals and most snacks are prepared in house, this allows us to pack the children's food full of nutritious goodness and stay away from added preservatives, salt and sugar.
We also cater for any children who have dietary and allergy requirements.

Meal Times
We have guided times within the playrooms for snacks and meals.
Times can run later or finish earlier depending on the children's choice.

Proud holders of Eat Safe Award, Providing Excellence in Food Hygiene
Am Snack - 9.30am - 10.30am
2 Course Lunch - 12pm - 12.45pm
Pm Snack - 2.30pm - 3.30pm
Light Tea - 4.15pm - 5pm
Contact Us
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday - 7.30am-6pm
Saturday-Sunday - Closed
50 weeks of the year
Call: (01292) 317031

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